Jonathan Stathakis worked with Jimi on a movie project in 1969, so this is quite a fascinating insight into what the plans were.
Because he met Jimi on several occasions to discuss the film, we learn various anecdotes about Hendrix, his demeanor, his entourage, the Hendrix office, the Shokan house, Woodstock, recording studios, New York in the late 60s,… Also described are chilling encounters with Mike Jeffery, but there are many inaccuracies and exaggerations (as usual) about the managers Intelligence Corp past.
You’d think Stathakis taped all their conversations or that he has an amazing memory, such is the detail of the conversations. A bit of artistic licence surely at play, but it’s still an interesting read.
After this unfortunately unfinished film project, the author went on to work in film and television as a writer, producer and photographer (some of his photos of Jimi in the recording studio appear in the book).
The book is set to be published in December 2023.
Details here